Public sanitation的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列地圖、推薦、景點和餐廳等資訊懶人包

Public sanitation的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Strach, Patricia,Sullivan, Kathleen S.寫的 The Politics of Trash: How Governments Used Corruption to Clean Cities, 1890-1929 和的 Clean Water and Sanitation都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

國立臺灣海洋大學 食品科學系 張君如、凌明沛所指導 黃桂霞的 臺灣民眾攝食養殖文蛤之安全風險與健康效益評估 (2021),提出Public sanitation關鍵因素是什麼,來自於文蛤、無機砷、鉛、危害商數、致癌風險、每週建議攝取量、抗氧化、抑制 α-amylase、抑制 sucrase、脂質累積。

而第二篇論文國立嘉義大學 獸醫學系研究所 郭鴻志、吳青芬所指導 蔣昕恆的 豬流行性下痢病毒核酸於田間豬場的環境分布 (2021),提出因為有 豬流行性下痢、環境監測、生物安全、生物安全評分、即時定量聚合酶鏈鎖反應的重點而找出了 Public sanitation的解答。


除了Public sanitation,大家也想知道這些:

The Politics of Trash: How Governments Used Corruption to Clean Cities, 1890-1929

為了解決Public sanitation的問題,作者Strach, Patricia,Sullivan, Kathleen S. 這樣論述:

The Politics of Trash explains how municipal trash collection solved odorous urban problems using nongovernmental and often unseemly means. Focusing on the persistent problems of filth and the frustration of generations of reformers unable to clean their cities, Patricia Strach and Kathleen S. Su

llivan tell a story of dirty politics and administrative innovation that made rapidly expanding American cities livable. The solutions that professionals recommended to rid cities of overflowing waste cans, litter-filled privies, and animal carcasses were largely ignored by city governments. When th

e efforts of sanitarians, engineers, and reformers failed, public officials turned to the habits and tools of corruption as well as to gender and racial hierarchies.Corruption often provided the political will for public officials to establish garbage collection programs. Effective waste collection

involves translating municipal imperatives into new habits and arrangements in homes and other private spaces. To change domestic habits, officials relied on gender hierarchy to make the women of the white, middle-class households in charge of sanitation. When public and private trash cans overflowe

d, racial and ethnic prejudices were harnessed to single out scavengers, garbage collectors, and neighborhoods by race. These early informal efforts were slowly incorporated into formal administrative processes that created the public-private sanitation systems that prevail in most American cities t

oday. The Politics of Trash locates these hidden resources of governments to challenge presumptions about the formal mechanisms of governing and recovers the presence of residents at the margins, whose experiences can be as overlooked as garbage collection itself. This consideration of municipal gar

bage collection reveals how political development often relies on undemocratic means with long-term implications for further inequality. Focusing on the resources that cleaned American cities also shows the tenuous connection between political development and modernization.

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為了解決Public sanitation的問題,作者黃桂霞 這樣論述:

文蛤是國人經常食用的水產品,具有保肝、抗氧化、抗癌及降膽固醇等機能,但養殖環境之重金屬會蓄積於文蛤體中,並依其暴露濃度及暴露族群可能對攝食民眾造成不同程度之危害,因此民眾茫然於食用文蛤是利是弊?本研究採集彰化縣、雲林縣與臺南市之養殖文蛤生樣品24件、熟樣品25件,分別以感應耦合電漿質譜法分析其鎘、鉻、銅、鉛、鐵、錳、硒與鋅之濃度,以高效液相層析再以感應耦合電漿質譜法分析其無機砷與甲基汞之濃度,結合風險評估模式、國家攝食資料庫、美國國家環境保護局與美國加州環境保護局等相關數據,推估國人各年齡層攝取養殖文蛤之食品安全風險。結果顯示,熟文蛤之無機砷平均濃度 (0.609 mg/kg) 高於衛生福利

部食品藥物管理署訂定之食品中污染物質及毒素衛生標準限量標準 (0.5 mg/kg)。整體而言,各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷所造成之非致癌風險高於其他重金屬,以0-3歲與3-6歲族群為例,攝入熟文蛤中無機砷之危害商數分別為 1.29 與 1.13,可能對人體造成色素沉著症與角化症。此外,本研究亦評估各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷與鉛之致癌風險,其中無機砷對人體造成之致癌風險大於鉛,0-3歲攝入熟文蛤中無機砷之致癌風險為5.79×10-4,長期食用可能會造成罹患皮膚癌之風險。另一方面將文蛤樣品以0.05% 蛋白酶於37C水解12小時製備水解物 (Hard clam hydrolysate, HCH

)。體外試驗顯示35 mg/mL HCH具抗氧化活性,其清除DPPH能力相當於 117.49 μM Trolox、螯合亞鐵離子能力相當於 95.62 μg/mL EDTA、還原力相當於 97.26 μg/mL Vitamin C。2.19 μg/mL HCH之 α-amylase抑制率為21.75%,但不具α-glucosidase抑制活性。人類腸道Caco-2 細胞以2.19 μg/mL HCH 處理具抑制sucrase 活性 ,相當於 62.5 μg/mL Acarbose。人類肝臟HepG2細胞以HCH處理無法促進葡萄糖攝入,但2.19與17.50 µg/mL HCH可延緩油酸誘導之脂質

蓄積。綜上,除了0-3歲與3-6歲族群攝入熟文蛤中無機砷外,各年齡層攝入文蛤中重金屬之危害商數皆小於1,為可接受風險;各年齡層族群攝入文蛤中無機砷與鉛之致癌風險,皆為不可接受風險。然而,文蛤蛋白水解物具抗氧化、降血糖及延緩非酒精性脂肪肝等活性,建議各年齡層族群適量攝取,每人每週可攝入熟文蛤量,0-3歲、3-6歲、6-12歲、12-16歲、16-18歲、19-65歲、65歲以上分別為 0.95、1.51、2.77、4.22、4.61、4.94及4.66 g/週。本研究成果可提供各年齡層攝取臺灣養殖文蛤之每週建議攝取量、呈現該食用量養殖文蛤潛在之人體健康效益。

Clean Water and Sanitation

為了解決Public sanitation的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Walter Leal Filho (BSc, PhD, DSc, DPhil, DEd, DL, DLitt) is a Senior Professor and Head of the Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management" at Hamburg University of Applied Sciences in Germany, and Chair of Environment and Technology at Manchester Metropolitan

University, UK. He is the initiator of the Word Sustainable Development Symposia (WSSD-U) series, and chairs the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme. Professor Leal Filho has written, co-written, edited or co-edited more than 400 publications, including books, book chapters

and papers in refereed journals.Anabela Marisa Azul is a Researcher at the Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) and the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research of the University of Coimbra (UC, Portugal). She holds a Ph.D. in Biological Sciences, specializing in Ecology (2002, UC), and pu

rsued her investigation on biology and ecology of fungi to pinpoint the role of mycorrhizal symbiosis for sustainability of Mediterranean forests under different land use scenarios at the Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE-UC), where she became an Associate Researcher (from 2009 to 2014). At CFE-UC,

Marisa Azul developed a holistic approach that combined innovation in food production with sustainable development and public scientific awareness to multiple actors. At CNC, from 2014 on, Marisa Azul focuses her investigation on basic research and participatory research dynamics to pinpoint links

between metabolism, health/disease, and sustainability. She has broad academic experience as a researcher working in participatory research and interdisciplinary that link biomedical and life/environmental sciences, social sciences, science education, science communication, and artistic forms. Her r

esearch interests also lie in bringing together the academy and social/economical players. She has been successful in attracting national and international funding, coordinating projects, and mentoring young researchers on the topics mentioned. She has co-authored over 40 scientific publications and

book chapters, co-edited 4 books on Climate Change Management Series and 1 onWorld Sustainability Series published by Springer, co-authored 4 books for children and 2 comics, and co-produced 1 animation.Luciana Brandli, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the University of Passo Fundo, Brazil, work

ing in the Ph.D. Program in Civil and Environment Engineering. Her current research interests include sustainability in higher education and green campus, management of urban infrastructure and sustainable cities, and the Agenda 2030 for sustainable development. She supervises a number of Master’s a

nd Doctoral students on engineering and environment and sustainability issues and has in excess of 300 publications, including books, book chapters, and papers in refereed journals.Pinar Gökçin Özuyar is a Faculty Member of Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences at Istinye Universi

ty, Istanbul, Turkey. She received her B.S. degree in Environmental Engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1992 and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from BogaziciUniversity Institute of Environmental Sciences, Istanbul, Turkey. Her Ph.D. thesis was based on the "Thermodynamic Analysis of Treatment

Plants for Producing Energy from SolidWaste" which she conducted in Germany with a joint scholarship from Forschungzentrum Jülich and TUBITAK (NationalScience Foundation of Turkey). Defining herself as a pracademic, she has more than 25 years of experience not only in academia but also in the privat

e sector working on environment and sector-specific activities in Turkey and Dubai (UAE). She has extensive expertise specifically in environmental auditing according to World Bank Standards which is required for international financing especially during company mergers and acquisitions (M&As) and g

reenfield projects. Working over the years in projects involving different stakeholder groups with different priorities, she has the proven capacity for establishing a dialogue between such stakeholder groups. Although coming from a technical background, her academic work focuses on involving sustai

nable development into the strategiesof corporations including higher academic institutions. Currently, she teaches and leads funded research on sustainability/sustainable development especially focusing on industrial ecology and regional development.Tony Wall (BSc Hons, PGDip, PGCHE, MA, MSc, EdD,

MCIPD, NTFHEA) is a Professor, Founder and Director of the International Thriving at Work Research Group in the United Kingdom where he is the institutional lead for the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme. His research impact work has won multiple Santander International Res

earch Excellence Awards and a National Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy. Apart from being a visiting scholar in the US and Australia, his change work includes co-founding of the Washington Ethical Leadership Summit and the TS Eliot Foundation’s International Creative Practice for Wellbeing



為了解決Public sanitation的問題,作者蔣昕恆 這樣論述:

豬流行性下痢 (porcine epidemic diarrhea; PED) 引起豬隻急性嘔吐及下痢,因其在新生仔豬可造成高死亡率,故造成豬場嚴重損失,然而在台灣尚無商業化之疫苗,因此以生物安全措施預防及控制豬流行性下痢成為最根本之方法。本研究以即時定量聚合酶鏈鎖反應 (real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction; real-time qPCR) 檢測4場PED爆發場與1場非爆發場環境中PEDV (porcine epidemic diarrhea virus; PEDV) 之病原核酸,尋找病原可能藏匿的地點,並透過問卷調查獲取有關養豬

場生物安全資料,了解養豬場生物安全等級現況,以評估試驗養豬場中可能的生物安全風險因子。本實驗共蒐集434個環境樣本,爆發場環境樣本的PEDV總體陽性率為39.2% (149/380),而非爆發場之所有樣本皆為陰性 (0/54)。於爆發場中,分娩舍之所有樣本,包含常在性的仔豬保溫地墊、隔門及教槽盤、母豬飲水乳頭及飼料槽、內部走廊、風扇開關、風扇葉片、水濂片、門把,可移動性的器械如:推車、注射器、畫記筆、場內工作人員之衣物、手及雨鞋,皆可檢測出PEDV核酸;且相較於未消毒的分娩舍,消毒後的分娩舍設施之檢測陽性率及病毒量皆較低。於保育舍及肉豬舍於本實驗並未檢測出PEDV核酸,但於分娩前母豬之糞便樣本
