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另外網站newera推薦分享(持續更新) - 【LOOKin】美人時髦話題網也說明:newera 推薦文章,新話題來了!即時更新,結合女性多元話題。除了分享newera資訊,LOOKin 也提供最新女性彩妝、穿搭、髮型教學!和各大品牌包包、精品配件的推薦排行 ...

國立陽明交通大學 國際半導體產業學院 羅友杰、Somnath Bhowmick所指導 施柏安的 材料的界面與表面對相變化與塑性變形的理論研究 (2021),提出newera關鍵因素是什麼,來自於分子動力學模擬、相位變換、界面形貌、面心立方/體心立方、變形行為、奈米線。

而第二篇論文中臺科技大學 護理系碩士班 林冠語所指導 覺筱韻的 到院前心跳停止病患行目標體溫管理對 臨床預後之影響-以中部某區域教學醫院為例 (2021),提出因為有 到院前心跳停止、目標體溫管理、臨床預後因子、併發症的重點而找出了 newera的解答。

最後網站New Era|百年帽子品牌的10件事:與阿波羅11號登月計畫有 ...則補充:創立於1920年的New Era在今年來到了100週年,進入百年歷史的品牌,New Era在帽子界佔有舉足輕重的地位,不僅提供流行的帽款,在這百年中也在嘻哈和 ...








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為了解決newera的問題,作者施柏安 這樣論述:

The interface is a region in which two different phases are in contact with eachother. For example, it can be formed between two grains of the same material with different crystallographic orientations (grain boundary) or between twophases of the same material (inter-phase boundary). Surfaces can b

e classifiedas a particular type of interface between the solid and air. The type of interfacenot only influences the properties but also controls the transformation betweentwo phases. Also, the large surface area to volume ratio in nanomaterials suchas nanowires and nanorods is responsible for thei

r exceptional mechanical, electronic, and optical properties. This study is concerned with (a) role of interfaces inaustenite (γ) to ferrite/martensite (α) transformation in iron and (b) deformationbehavior of single and multi-component high entropy alloy (HEA) nanowires.This thesis focuses on explo

ring the role of interfaces during interface-controlledphase transformations using atomistic simulations. First, we compare the transformation mechanisms for the flat and ledged interface using an embedded atom method (EAM) potential. After that, we have explored the role of disconnectionson interfa

ce velocity and mobility for the ledged interface. At last, we study thedeformation behavior of Ag nanowires and CoCrFeMnNi HEA nanowires andexplore the synergistic sequence of the mechanisms responsible for their uniquedamage tolerance and other mechanical properties.The thesis begins with a genera

l introduction to solid-solid phase transformation related to iron systems in Chapter 1. We begin our discussion with a briefdescription of different types of solid-solid phase transformation, associated interface structure, and orientation relationships. This is followed by the review ofsome previo

us works related to the FCC-BCC phase transformation in iron. Atlast, we discuss the nanowires and their mechanical properties.Chapter 2, discusses different tools to simulate phase transformation, deformation behavior, and related material properties. We briefly introduce variousconcepts of molecul

ar dynamics (MD) simulation and density functional theory(DFT). We also discuss the interatomic potentials such as EAM and MEAM usedin the current study.In chapter 3, using MD and DFT based ab initio calculations, we determine thethermodynamic properties required for iron phase transformation and na

nowires’deformation behavior. We discuss calculating several thermodynamic properties,like the lattice parameter, enthalpy, melting temperature, Gibbs free energy, andstacking fault energy. These properties are in good agreement with the existing experimental and first-principle studies, which valid

ates the accuracy of thepotential used to describe the inter-atomic interactions. We calculate the stacking fault energy of the different elements using DFT-based ab initio calculations.We obtain the unstable stacking fault (USF), intrinsic stacking fault (ISF), unstable twinning fault (UTF), and ex

trinsic stacking fault (ESF) for all the given elements and demonstrate their respective generalized stacking fault energy (GSFE)curves. We use the approach used by Kibey et al. [‡] to get the input structuresfor different fault configurations.Chapter 4, shows how the interface morphology affects th

e phase transformation in iron by running MD simulations for the flat BCC-FCC interface in whichthe two phases are joined according to Nishiyama–Wasserman orientation relationship vs. a ledged interface having steps similar to the vicinal surface at different temperatures. We also characterize the a

tomic matching pattern, dislocationnetwork, and respective line and Burgers vector directions at the interface with the help of common neighbor analysis and Nye tensor analysis (NTA) for both theinterfaces. We identify the atomic displacements and the misfit dislocation network at the interface lead

ing to the phase transformation. Atomic structures ofthe inter-phase boundary and displacements leading to the phase transformationare also uncovered. Interestingly, interface mobility is found to follow Arrheniuslaw in case of ledged interfaces, while exactly opposite behavior is observed incase of

flat interfaces. We also demonstrate the role of structural ledges or stepsaffecting interface motion at the inter-phase boundary.Chapter 5, investigates the role of disconnections during the austenite to ferrite transformation in pure-Fe, using classical molecular dynamics simulations.We first cre

ate BCC-FCC-BCC interfaces based on Nishiyama–Wasserman orientation relationship and its derivatives. By rotating the FCC crystal, we vary thenumber of disconnections at the adjoining BCC-FCC interfaces. We find that thedisconnections present at the interphase boundary assist in growth of the ferrit

ephase. Small interface velocities (1.19–4.67 m/s) suggest a phase change via massive transformation mechanism. Boundary mobilities obtained in a temperaturerange of 1000 to 1400 K show an Arrhenius behavior, with activation energiesranging from 30–40 kJ/mol. Our study clearly shows that the disconn

ections located at the austenite-ferrite interface facilitate the growth of the α-Fe phase.In chapter 6, we study the deformation behavior of single element Ag nanowiresand CoCrFeMnNi HEA nanowires. We show that deformation mechanism is dependent on dislocation nucleation and propagation for both th

e nanowires. Thesimulation is carried out at a cryogenic temperature, room temperature, and elevated temperatures. Due to high surface energy at cryogenic temperatures, single element Ag nanowires transform into a more preferred phase via nucleationand propagation of partial dislocation across the n

anowire enabling superplasticity. In high entropy alloy CoNiCrFeMn nanowires, the motion of the partialdislocation is hindered by the friction due to the difference in the lattice parameter of the constituent atoms, which is responsible for the hardening and lowering the ductility. We demonstrate th

e temperature-dependent superplasticityand strengthening in both the nanowires. Interestingly, HEA nanowires can perform exceptional strength-ductility trade-offs at cryogenic temperatures. Evenat high temperatures, HEA nanowires can maintain good flow stress and ductility before failure. Mechanical

properties of HEA nanowires are better thanAg nanowires due to synergistic interactions of deformation twinning, FCC-HCPphase transformation, and the special reorientation of the cross-section. Furtherexamination reveals that simultaneous activation of twining-induced plasticity and transformation-

induced plasticity is responsible for the plasticity at differentstages and temperatures. The contribution of stacking fault energy in identifying deformation mechanisms is also discussed. These findings are beneficial fordesigning nanowires at different temperatures with high stability and superior

mechanical properties in the semiconductor industry.Finally, we summarize the main findings of our work in chapter 7, followedby a discussion of the future scope.

到院前心跳停止病患行目標體溫管理對 臨床預後之影響-以中部某區域教學醫院為例

為了解決newera的問題,作者覺筱韻 這樣論述:

「到院前心跳停止」(Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest),是搶時間的急症,即使恢復心跳後,仍可能因心跳停止後症候群(Post Cardiac Arrest Syndrome),造成神經系統損害。國際準則建議在360分鐘內介入目標體溫管理(Target temperature management),可有效增加存活率和改善神經學。本研究以中部某區域醫院2014- 2020間,以TTM介入OHCA治療者,分為黃金達溫組65名及延遲達溫組62名,共計127名。透過電子病歷回顧進行資料收集分析。以SPSS 19.0 for Windows 統計軟體進行描述性和推論性分析。基

本屬性顯示,OHCA好發於男性(61%)、高齡(44%)、體重過重、疾病嚴重度高(p < .05)及過去病史複雜。併發疾病中,肺炎、泌尿道感染、敗血性休克、腸胃道出血(p < .000;p < .000;p < .006;p < .028),在黃金達溫組發生率低於延遲達溫組。也證實在360分鐘內到達目標體溫,可獲得較佳的神經功能預後及減少死亡率。 OHCA病患只有一次重生機會,因此應盡快開始低溫治療,使TTM小於360分鐘,以減少住院期間感染發生及提高神經系統結果和存活率,有利於提升OHCA患者存活率及長期照護品質。